Business and Commercial Litigation
When all other alternatives are exhausted, sometimes litigation is necessary. Successful litigation requires thorough preparation, attention to detail, a strategic as well as tactical mindset, and a level-headed, practical attitude. Our attorneys represent our business and commercial clients in all aspects of the litigation process in both state and federal courts and in administrative proceedings before state agencies, boards and commissions.
Our litigation skills are second to none, but we are not cheerleaders for our clients. All too many cases are litigated and lost by counsel who identify so strongly with their clients’ causes that they lose sight of the merits. Our approach is to provide our clients with thorough information and counsel at every stage so that they can decide how to proceed, weighing the risks and potential benefits.
Whenever possible, when a client is considering litigation or is exposed to potential liability, we look for ways other than litigation by which to resolve the matter more cost-effectively.
We are experienced in business, corporate, contractual, financial, intellectual property, trade secret, employer-related, construction, real estate, noncompetition and unfair competition cases, as well as many other areas in state and federal courts.
Corporate and Internal Investigations
Our attorneys also have extensive experience assisting clients in all aspects of corporate and internal investigations.
Practice Areas
Business and Commercial Litigation
Dispute Resolution/Arbitration
Ethics and Professional Responsibility
Corporate and Internal Investigations