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Our attorneys assist both residential and commercial landlords and tenants with lease-related issues.


Due Diligence


We assist and advise prospective purchasers of currently leased investment or commercial property to evaluate the quality of the investment. This involves obtaining and reviewing the current rent roll and copies of all leases from the seller. A review of these documents is essential for determining whether the rents actually paid by the tenants are sufficient to cover the costs of maintaining and operating the property.


Disputes and Eviction


Regardless of whether a landlord-tenant dispute relates to an obligation for repairs or maintenance of the premises, an increase in rent or a return of the security deposit, litigation should be the last resort to resolving the dispute. Our attorneys advise both landlords and tenants as to their obligations under the lease and current law. If a resolution is not possible, we represent both residential and commercial landlords in the eviction process for the speedy recovery of possession of their premises.

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